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Stone Magic Fireplaces
Stone Magic has specialized in the design of elegant cast stone fireplace mantels and hearths for over 10 years. |


As a skilled custom manufacturing company, the Cast Stone Product List represents just the tip of the iceberg in what Stone Legends can do in cast stone. We have over 6,000 castings of concrete products providing not just the highest quality of cast stone but all the necessary documentation to save time and money in handling, installing and caring for your pre-cast concrete products. Our cast concrete and stone products come with Interface-Attachments to help your mason and installers better understand such things as assembly of our products, attaching stone assemblies and field cutting cast concrete parts to fit. We offer Assembly and Part drawings that can be made ready for your architect to insert and use with his plans.
We offer several customer friendly services that can make the purchase and selection of pre cast concrete a snap. Inventory castings of our molds for rapid production, stock items and clearance sale units are ways Stone Legends can lower cost for your items and/or projects. Think about it, the mold, unit and part drawings already exists, this allows us to bypass tooling and drafting costs and present the customer with a significantly more competitive price point.
We also offer the ordering of precast concrete parts and ‘by the foot’ pricing from our growing inventory of stock cast concrete products. For the segment of our customer base, where time is the critical factor, we are experts at selling parts by the linear foot. By presenting this the option of receiving the parts and installing in the field we can meet your need for speed.
Finally, Stone Legends has Design Consultants, Trade Experts, and skilled Draftsmen waiting to offer you their assistance. Our professional design consultants are experts in developing design options that enhance designs, reduce cost and increase speed of delivery. Most buyers lose significant time and money on their construction projects by not capitalizing on Stone Legend's in house design capabilities and assets. Contact us and see the difference we can make for you.
Contact Us! See what more we can do for you and how we might save you Time, Money and make your cast stone purchase a memorable one. Our Sales staff can assist in various design options and help in selecting stone products to suit demanding architectural stone needs.